Letter Frequency

You can find a copy of the Letter Frequency Chart by clicking on the link below:

Code Challenge

Live Data Maps

 Kaspersky’s Cyberthreat Real-time Map

 Fireeye’s

 Blitzortung.org’s

 Norse’s ipviking map

 Norse’s Attack types
 Digital Attack Map

 Anubis Networks The Cyberfeed

Cyber STEM 2015

Access the Cyber STEM folder and upload your file here:

Top 10 Things I learned at DENSI 2015

I always look forward to seeing my DEN friends from near and far and exchanging ideas with a group of intelligent and dynamic educators. Thank you, Discovery Education, for creating such a powerful venue for learning and collaboration.

Resources for Bridges to STEM


Bridges to STEM Resource Page


Blockly Challenge

Follow the path, read the directions and complete the Blockly challenges.



The link to the Educreations App Tutorial we viewed in class today can be found below:


Introduction to SketchUp

ShetchUp introduces us to the world of 3D design. Check out these two introductory tutorials to get familiarized with the program:


Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsHRGDvN4sM

Unwinding after Stanford 10 Practice Test

Here are a couple of sites for you to enjoy!

Create your own Flappy Birg game:
