Use this illustrated lesson and complete each step of this "practice" Power Point.
Click on the link below to access free clip art:
Our children live in the age of digital bombardment and it is our responsibility to keep them safe and secure. You don't have to be a computer expert to have a conversation, guide and monitor what our children are doing. They are constantly connected, communicating and collaborating with the global community around them. It is for this reason that they need to understand how to be safe, secure and how to leave a positive digital footprint behind. Once they post something it is out there for everyone to see, you can't take it back!
Looking for an app to help you run Microsoft Office products in the cloud? CloudOn brings Microsoft Office® to your iPad and link to your Box, Dropbox and Google Drive accounts.
Childhood obesity continues to be on the rise in our country. Obesity puts our children at a high risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and possibility of stroke. What are you doing to help? Visit the Giant Foods Healthy Ideas website for ideas.
What a joy to have a young digital learner join us and remind us of the reason why we are here. It is s about the kids!